Monday, February 22, 2016

Growth Charts!

I got the pleasure of working with two ladies down in Portland, OR making growth charts for each of them. One for her family and the other for a friends new baby! What a great experience, collaborating together to get just what they wanted. 

If you are interested give me a shout! It's all up to you, color, wood, font, etc! :) 

Start growing those memories!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Gone Fishin'

Cut Throat Trout

I was asked by my dad a few years ago if I would paint him two paintings of trout. At first I thought "what a weird boring thing to paint!" but was happy to do it because it was for my dad. Well lo and behold fish are actually amazing to watercolor! There are so many different patterns and colors in there scales that you cannot over do it! Fish ended up being one of my favorite things to paint... too bad there isn't a huge market for fish! hahaha 

Rainbow Trout

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Do you remember when you were a kid and loved having tea parties..? Well that love has never left me and even as an adult I still try to get friends together (even with a crazy amount of kids) to have tea parties! The time spent setting up a tea party is worth all the fabulous conversations and memories had with close friends... 

These paintings were done as I was thinking about the next tea party to be had... 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love is in the Air!

Valentine's Day... a day singled out to show your significant other how much you truly care about them (hopefully not done solely on this date). This holiday seems to be one torn in half... Either you love it or hate it. I tend to love it because I like a fun reason to do something cute for my husband and kids and even decorate my house a little. 

But at this time, where thinking of love is at the forefront of our minds... I have been noticing a bad trend in myself and our culture we live in... Love in our culture today is based on a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours", kind of attitude. We tend to give love as much or as little as we receive it. We (myself included) tend to focus on what the loves in our lives are doing for US and how love can be improved for ME... we tend to be self centered with our love... but what if there was a different way...
Let's LOVE without terms and conditions this Valentine's Day! Start by putting your loved one first and for most and see how great it feels to just love without thinking of what you might get in return. ❤️